Southwest (AZ NM OK TX)

May 4, 2020 to May 9, 2020

Santa Fe Science Writing Workshop

The 25th annual Workshop takes place May 4-9, 2020, in Santa Fe, NM, directed by New York Times science writers and authors Sandra Blakeslee and George Johnson. Apply early; there's usually a waiting list. The workshop is usually full by mid April.

Topics on the Beat: 

BLM Says 9 Western States Have Worthy Wilderness Areas

Designating lands as wilderness or some other highly protected status always is contentious, but the BLM has identified 24 areas in 9 western states the agency says have significant local support for this idea: CA (9 areas), CO (3), ID (1), MT (1), NM (2), NV (2), OR (2), UT (3), and WA (1).

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Topics on the Beat: 

Feds Announce Offshore Oil and Gas Target Areas

Offshore oil and gas drilling from 2012-2017 would be focused in the western and central Gulf of Mexico and off the shores of northern and southern Alaska, if the Dept. of Interior's proposed plan and draft programmatic environmental impact statement, released Nov. 8, 2011, are accepted as is. A 60-day public comment period ends Jan. 9, 2012.

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BLM Releases Supplement to Draft PEIS for Large-Scale Solar

The agency says the remaining 17 sites covering ~285,000 acres in six states have the best solar gain and energy transmission traits, the fewest conflicts with environmental, cultural, and historic resources, and the best compatibility with each state's efforts. Public meetings commence Nov 30 and a 90-day public comment period ends Jan. 27, 2012. A variance process could be used to approve additional solar development elsewhere.

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Topics on the Beat: 

"Catastrophic Drought in Texas Causes Global Economic Ripples"

"AUSTIN — The drought map created by University College London shows a number of worryingly dry areas around the globe, in places including East Africa, Canada, France and Britain.

But the largest area of catastrophic drought centers on Texas. It is an angry red swath on the map, signifying what has been the driest year in the state’s history. It has brought immense hardship to farmers and ranchers, and fed incessant wildfires, as well as an enormous dust storm that blew through the western Texas city of Lubbock in the past month.

Source: NY Times, 10/31/2011

Erionite, Like Asbestos, Can Cause Cancer

The naturally-occurring erionite causes malignant mesothelioma and evidence suggests it is much more toxic than asbestos. Concern is rising as development that disturbs erionite deposits occurs in 12 western states.

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