Southwest (AZ NM OK TX)

October 3, 2012 to October 5, 2012

SXSW Eco Conference on Sustainability

In its second year, SXSW Eco is a three-day conference in Austin, TX addressing the need for a concerted, cross sector approach to solving the recognized challenges facing the economy, the environment and civil society.


"Okla. Heat, Drought Allow Deadly Amoeba To Thrive"

"OKLAHOMA CITY (AP) — High temperatures and an ongoing drought are having an impact on more than just crops and livestock. State health officials say they are also creating ideal conditions for the growth of a tiny, single-cell organism that lives in Oklahoma's rivers, lakes and ponds and can cause a disease that is almost always fatal."

Source: AP, 08/20/2012

"Scorching Phoenix Plans For An Even Hotter Future"

"The Arizona city already logs more days over 100 degrees than any U.S. city, and climate researchers predict Phoenix will grow hotter still in the coming decades. Planners are taking the projections seriously, and are looking for ways to adapt the city and its residents to a hotter, drier reality."

Source: NPR, 08/15/2012


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