Southwest (AZ NM OK TX)

"Solar Helps Texas Carry Energy Load As Heatwave Puts Power Grid To Test"

"As a deadly, record-breaking heatwave puts Texas’s grid to the test, renewable power sources are helping the state maintain energy reliability, contrary to some of the state’s lawmakers claims that clean energy is less reliable."

Source: Guardian, 06/29/2023

"Supreme Court Rejects Navajo Nation’s Water Rights Trust Claim"

"The U.S. Supreme Court said the United States is not required “to take affirmative steps to secure water for the Tribe” because that provision is not explicitly stated in the Navajo Treaty of 1868, according to its ruling in a 5-4 vote in Arizona v. Navajo Nation, released Thursday."

Source: ICT, 06/23/2023

Watching the Watchers: How Journalistic Teamwork Uncovered Years of Regulatory Failure in Texas

After a massive fire at a Texas petrochemical storage facility, reporters from Public Health Watch and The Texas Tribune worked together to shed light on who was responsible for this disaster and what health threats had been hidden from the public. This behind-the-scenes report from Public Health Watch’s David Leffler and Savanna Strott looks at the challenges the team faced and how they overcame them.

SEJ Publication Types: 

Shell Chemical Plant Had Many Violations Before Recent Fire, Paid Few Fines

"Residents, lawyers, and environmental groups point to aging facilities and reluctant state regulators as reasons for the continued string of industrial fires."

Source: Houston Public Media, 06/16/2023

"How Arizona Stands Between Tribes and Their Water"

"As it negotiates water rights with tribes, Arizona goes to unique lengths to extract concessions that limit tribes’ opportunities for growth and economic development, according to a ProPublica and High Country News investigation."

Source: ProPublica/HCN, 06/15/2023

Climate-Smart Cowboys Hope Regenerative Cattle Ranching Can Heal the Land

"Grazing livestock to mimic how wildlife forages can prevent the erosion of topsoil, protect water quality and keep carbon out of the atmosphere, but it requires big changes in how the beef industry operates."

Source: Inside Climate News, 06/13/2023


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