Southwest (AZ NM OK TX)

Covering Indigenous Communities — Tips for Non-Native Journalists

Non-Indigenous journalists may think they’re doing “marginalized” Indigenous communities a favor by covering them, but their coverage is too often extractive and riddled with racist tropes. Contributor Valerie Vande Panne offers insights and advice for avoiding these pitfalls. Seeking permission, listening, sharing and respecting are all critical tools for the job.

SEJ Publication Types: 

SEJ Panel Gauges Issues in the Works in the U.S. West

As part of our 2023 Journalists’ Guide to Energy & Environment special report, we’ve got highlights from last week’s reporter panel on the year ahead, led by #SEJ2023 conference co-chair Tom Michael (pictured, left). The focus was largely on the U.S. West, where challenges abound over issues like equitable siting of renewable energy infrastructure, regulating natural gas, managing wildfires and addressing the health consequences of climate-driven heat waves. Read our account, plus check out the full 2023 Guide.

SEJ Publication Types: 
April 22, 2023

ECH 2023 Climate Solutions Symposium: Texas, the Energy Capital of the Planet, Can and Should Lead

The Engineering, Science and Technology Council of Houston (ECH) will host this half-day symposium virtually and in person at the University of Houston Student Center Theater, 1:00-4:00pm, followed by a Meet-and-Greet in the Student Center’s Ballroom, 4:00-5:30pm. $10 cost.


Offshore Wind In The Gulf Take A Back Seat To Oil Drilling Under New Law

"President Joe Biden’s administration is tapping the brakes on offshore wind energy development in the Gulf of Mexico to make way for a new fast-tracked effort to open more federal waters to oil and gas drilling."

Source: New Orleans Times-Picayune, 02/08/2023

"Nevada Monument Will Shield Sacred Tribal Land — From Renewables"

"For years now, Native American tribes have sought more protections for the federal lands in the Mojave Desert in southern Nevada that are central to their core beliefs about creation. But advocates say the effort took on new urgency as renewable energy developers eyed pieces of the same land for projects that could fit into the Biden administration’s push for clean electricity."

Source: E&E News, 02/07/2023

"Court: US Needs To Consider Effects Of Drilling Near Chaco"

"A federal appeals court has sided with environmentalists, ruling that the U.S. government failed to consider the cumulative effects of greenhouse gas emissions that would result from the approval of nearly 200 drilling permits in an area surrounding Chaco Culture National Historical Park."

Source: AP, 02/03/2023


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