Southwest (AZ NM OK TX)

"Mexican Gray Wolves Gain Protection in Arizona, New Mexico"

"SILVER CITY, N.M. -- The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service will propose increased recovery territory for Mexican gray wolves in Arizona and New Mexico and will drop plans to capture wolves entering these two states from Mexico, under two agreements reached [Monday] between the agency and the nonprofit Center for Biological Diversity."

Source: ENS, 08/27/2013

Drought Brings Tough Times for Texas Rice Farms and Visiting Ducks

"Ronald Gertson usually plants about 3,000 acres of rice each year on his family farm in Wharton County, Texas. But because of emergency water regulations set in 2012 due to central Texas' painfully persistent drought, Gertson could plant about 40 percent of that land."

Source: ClimateWire, 08/23/2013

"The Southwest's Forests May Never Recover From Megafires"

"If you doubt that climate change is transforming the American landscape, go to Santa Fe, New Mexico. Sweltering temperatures there have broken records this summer, and a seemingly permanent orange haze of smoke hangs in the air from multiple wildfires."

Source: Mother Jones, 07/10/2013

"Yarnell Hill Fire Continues To Burn Out of Control"

"As the community grieved the loss of 19 firefighters who died Sunday fighting the Yarnell Hill Fire, the deadly blaze continued to rage out of control. As of 9:30 p.m. Monday, it had grown to 8,400 acres and remained zero percent contained. About 500 firefighters were battling the blaze, with more expected to join Tuesday."

Source: Arizona Republic, 07/02/2013

Fast-Moving Ariz. Wildfire Kills 19 Firefighters, Destroys 200+ Homes

"YARNELL, Ariz. -- Gusty, hot winds blew an Arizona blaze out of control Sunday in a forest northwest of Phoenix, overtaking and killing 19 members of an elite fire crew in the deadliest wildfire involving firefighters in the U.S. for at least 30 years."

Source: Wash Post, 07/01/2013


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