Southwest (AZ NM OK TX)

"Texans Sickened by 'Accidental' Gas, Oil, Chemical Emissions"

"Flares, leaking pipelines and tanks emitted 92,000 tons of toxic chemicals into the air during accidents, break-downs and maintenance at Texas oil and gas facilities, refineries and petrochemical plants over the past three years, finds a report released today by the nonprofit Environmental Integrity Project, EIP."

Source: ENS, 07/20/2012

Native American Town in New Mexico Struggling To Recover From Wildfire

"They pray for rain these days across a drought-stricken American west. The very idea – a light shower, even an inch of rain – fills Walter Dasheno with dread. Dasheno is the governor of the Santa Clara pueblo, a Native American community living just below a canyon of the same name."

Source: Guardian, 07/19/2012

Group Sues Interior for Failure to Disclose Correspondence with Wind Industry

The American Bird Conservancy has gone to court after the Interior Department stonewalled its Freedom-of-Information-Act requests for correspondence between feds and the wind industry on how potential wind projects in 10 states might affect birds and bats.

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