National (U.S.)

"Obama Admin Objects to Alaska Oil and Gas Development Bill"

"The Obama administration [Thursday] said a proposal from House Natural Resources Chairman Doc Hastings (R-Wash.) to expedite oil and gas leasing and energy infrastructure permitting in an Alaska reserve could force federal regulators to flout environmental laws and includes a costly, redundant resource assessment."

Source: Greenwire, 06/17/2011

"Did 'No. 1' Climate Change Denier Fake His Résumé?"

"Sometimes it seems hard to believe how much skepticism still exists about climate change, with the scientific community in near-unanimous agreement that yes, it's happening and yes, it's our fault. But as Minnesota State Senator Michael Jungbauer reminded us yesterday, most of that dissent comes from people who are more or less clueless about the science."

Source: Mother Jones, 06/16/2011

"Nuclear Plant Safety Rules Inadequate, Group Says"

"Nuclear safety rules in the United States do not adequately weigh the risk that a single event would knock out electricity from both the grid and from emergency generators, as an earthquake and tsunami recently did at a nuclear plant in Japan, officials of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission said Wednesday."

Source: NY Times, 06/16/2011


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