National (U.S.)

"Enviro Groups Tread Lightly With Endangered Species Act in Appalachia"

In Appalachia, where coal is king, the terribly destructive method of mountaintop removal mining is common. Environmentalists have been reluctant to use one of their most powerful weapons -- the Endangered Species Act -- to fight it. The reasons involve legal loopholes and politics.
Source: Greenwire, 08/11/2009

"Attack of the Climate Spam?"

News Web sites that allow reader comments are experiencing "climate spam" -- generic, marginally relevant comments on climate news stories denying that human activities are causing climate change or the need to do anything about it. The same comments are posted verbatim on multiple sites. The comments repeat the talking points of PR firms paid by fossil fuel industries -- and they are anonoymous.
Source: Christian Science Monitor, 08/11/2009


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