"The Bag Bill"
Activist Jennie Romer, a lawyer who got bills banning plastic bags from stores passed in California, moved to New York to do the same thing in New York City.
All forms of advocacy, esp. environmental groups.
Activist Jennie Romer, a lawyer who got bills banning plastic bags from stores passed in California, moved to New York to do the same thing in New York City.
Black Belt Citizens Fighting for Health and Justice says the landfill, which has accepted millions of pounds of coal ash from the 2008 Tennessee spill, violates their civil rights. The community surrounding the landfill is predominantly poor and African-American.
"Earth Day isn’t just an occasion to make a tiny dent in the crises hitting our planet. It’s also a day to celebrate consumerism, as evidenced by my inbox, which is overflowing with marketers who want me to write about their products."
"Gustavo Castro was the sole witness to the murder on March 3 of Honduran activist Berta Cáceres. ... Last week he spoke by phone to The Intercept about the night of the murder and the reasons why environmental activism in Latin America is so dangerous."
"Here are the six winners of the 2016 Goldman Environmental Prize, an annual $175,000 award given to honor and support the efforts of activists working to restore or protect the environment in communities around the world — sometimes at substantial personal risk."
"More than 120 religious groups are encouraging lawmakers to approve President Obama’s proposed $750 million contribution to an international climate change fund."
"Three environmental groups filed a lawsuit against the Environmental Protection Agency on Tuesday to press for faster action in setting limits on greenhouse gas emissions from U.S. aircraft."
"A federal magistrate judge in Eugene said Friday that a potential landmark lawsuit filed against the U.S. government by a group of environmentally minded youth plaintiffs and a leading climate scientist should be allowed to proceed in court."
“Gasland” filmmaker Josh Fox is back with what may be the longest film title in recent documentary history — “How to Let Go of the World (and Love All the Things Climate Can’t Change).” And it looks like another game-changer. JoAnn Valenti reviews the film
"Four men have been found guilty in Costa Rica for the killing of a sea turtle conservationist in 2013. The chief of a three-judge panel said the slaying of Jairo Mora Sandoval, who worked for a green group called Widecast, was tied to his activism in a war 'between poachers and environmentalists on the beach.'"