"‘Climate Risk’ Proposals Gaining Steam"
"Shareholder resolutions urging Exxon Mobil and Chevron to disclose more information about how they would be affected by climate policies are gaining support."
All forms of advocacy, esp. environmental groups.
"Shareholder resolutions urging Exxon Mobil and Chevron to disclose more information about how they would be affected by climate policies are gaining support."
"Ashley Funk looks back fondly on her days of playing in the black hills behind her Southwestern Pennsylvania house. But when she learned more about what those black hills were made of, it drove a wedge between her and her hometown."
"A coalition of environmental groups sued the Environmental Protection Agency on Wednesday to demand a strong uniform standard for the transportation, storage and disposal of frack waste."
"On Monday authorities in Honduras arrested four people in connection with the murder of influential environmental activist Berta Cáceres two months ago."
"Ringling's final 11 performing elephants marched into arenas for the last time Sunday in Wilkes-Barre, Pa., and Providence, R.I., ending a 145-year-old tradition of the giant pachyderms taking part in the big top."
Activist Jennie Romer, a lawyer who got bills banning plastic bags from stores passed in California, moved to New York to do the same thing in New York City.
Black Belt Citizens Fighting for Health and Justice says the landfill, which has accepted millions of pounds of coal ash from the 2008 Tennessee spill, violates their civil rights. The community surrounding the landfill is predominantly poor and African-American.
"Earth Day isn’t just an occasion to make a tiny dent in the crises hitting our planet. It’s also a day to celebrate consumerism, as evidenced by my inbox, which is overflowing with marketers who want me to write about their products."
"Gustavo Castro was the sole witness to the murder on March 3 of Honduran activist Berta Cáceres. ... Last week he spoke by phone to The Intercept about the night of the murder and the reasons why environmental activism in Latin America is so dangerous."
"Here are the six winners of the 2016 Goldman Environmental Prize, an annual $175,000 award given to honor and support the efforts of activists working to restore or protect the environment in communities around the world — sometimes at substantial personal risk."