
Read the Secret Backgrounder on the Secret 2012 Farm Bill

This year's Farm Bill deliberations have been less transparent than ever before. In that spirit, SEJ's WatchDog shares a backgrounder, published by the Federation of American Scientists, on the 2012 Farm Bill done by the Congressional Research Service — which keeps their taxpayer-funded reports secret from the public.

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May 11, 2012

DEADLINE: IJNR's Maumee Valley Institute for Journalists

The Institutes for Journalism & Natural Resources' welcomes applications by May 11th for this four-day, expenses-paid journey (June 13-16, 2012) exploring parts of the Maumee River watershed, from the headwaters near Fort Wayne, Indiana, to the river's mouth in Toledo, Ohio, on the southwestern shore of Lake Erie.


"Monterey County Supervisors Urge Governor To Re-Examine Fumigant"

"With dozens of area farm workers looking on -- many wearing headphones to hear a Spanish translation of the proceedings -- the Monterey County Board of Supervisors on Tuesday urged Gov. Jerry Brown to take another look at a controversial, highly toxic agricultural fumigant."

Source: Salinas Californian, 02/16/2012

"Downwind: Big Ag at Your Door"

Residents of Oregon's Triangle Lake area complain that aerial spraying of herbicides, which drift onto adjacent properties, is causing harm to their health and plants. The herbicides involved are atrazine and 2,4-D. For years, state regulators dismissed the complaints, but now neighbors have banded together and hired labs to do their own testing.

Source: 100 Reporters, 02/15/2012

Consortium Launches Web Site on Feedlot Air Pollution

The confidential National Air Quality Site Assessment Tool helps the livestock owner/operator figure out how changing on-site practices can reduce emissions of ammonia, methane, volatile organic compounds, hydrogen sulfide, fine particulates, and odors. This may be useful for journalists; whether an owner/operator will discuss the details of their operation or not, there's a story.

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