
"Supreme Court Poised to Scrap US Waters Test, Attorneys Say"

"The test that the federal government has used to determine what waters and wetlands are protected under the Clean Water Act seems poised to be scrapped by the US Supreme Court, natural resources lawyers said."

Source: Bloomberg Environment, 10/05/2022

"Federal Court Finds 3rd Iowa Ag-Gag Law Unconstitutional"

"A federal judge has struck down the third attempt by the Iowa Legislature to stop animal welfare groups from secretly filming livestock abuse, finding once again that the law passed last year violates free speech rights in the U.S. Constitution."

Source: AP, 09/29/2022

Toolbox on Nature-Based Solutions and Native/Indigenous Perspectives

As concerns over global warming, the endangerment of plant and animal species, and water rights escalate, many environmentalists are turning to Indigenous people for guidance. As part of a Society of Environmental Journalists special initiative focused on covering climate solutions, we take a closer look at nature-based solutions and Indigenous people with reporter Brian Bull. Check out a resource toolbox and stay tuned for a reporting tipsheet in coming weeks. Plus, be sure to register for a Sept. 28 webinar on covering Indigenous communities and nature-based climate solutions.

SEJ Publication Types: 

"Minnesota Ojibwe Harvest Sacred, Climate-Imperiled Wild Rice"

"Seated low in her canoe sliding through a rice bed on this vast lake, Kendra Haugen used one wooden stick to bend the stalks and another to knock the rice off, so gently the stalks sprung right back up."

Source: AP, 09/23/2022


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