
Anything related to air quality, air pollution, or the atmosphere

Watch List for Trump Federal Agency Appointments

Sarah Palin for Interior secretary? Her name is among those being mentioned for top environment and energy posts in the incoming Trump administration. To help you cover the shaping of the new cabinet, the latest TipSheet runs down better-known and lesser-known candidates being floated for EPA, Interior, Energy and Agriculture department chiefs. 

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Colorado Strains To Meet EPA Health Standards For Ozone Air Pollution

"Colorado officials say it will be 2021 before the state meets the current federal health standard for ozone air pollution — for which metro Denver and the northern Front Range have been out of compliance for more than four years."

Source: Denver Post, 11/21/2016

"Hundreds Hospitalized In Southeast Fires"

"More than 200 people have been hospitalized with breathing difficulties in Tennessee as wildfires scorched the Southeast. Over 30 large fires have burned more than 80,000 acres in North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Tennessee, Alabama and Kentucky, according to the US Forest Service."

Source: CNN, 11/18/2016

Will a New Broom Sweep Enviro-Energy Policy Clean? Tracking the Trump To-Do List

In the wake of Donald Trump’s presidential upset, U.S. environmental and energy policy may undergo dramatic change. SEJournal Online has prepared a reporter’s watchlist of 12 stories with local angles and broad impact, ranging from fossil fuels to renewables, clean air to clean water, and infrastructure to public lands. Read on.

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