
Things related to the web of life; ecology; wildlife; endangered species

"Judge: Failure To Help Whales Skirts Endangered Species Act"

"PORTLAND, Maine — A judge has ruled the federal government failed to adequately protect endangered whales from lobster fishing activities, sending the industry and regulators scrambling to figure out what the future holds for one of America’s most lucrative marine industries."

Source: AP, 04/13/2020

"Scientists Worry Agency Plan to Prevent Fires Could Do Opposite"

"Scientists say the Trump administration’s proposed program to cut down trees to gain an upper hand over wildfire and protect the sage-grouse bird may in fact do the opposite: increase the wildfire threat and risk ecosystem “collapse.”"

Source: Bloomberg Environment, 04/10/2020

"Animal Viruses Are Jumping to Humans. Forest Loss Makes It Easier."

"The destruction of forests into fragmented patches is increasing the likelihood that viruses and other pathogens will jump from wild animals to humans, according to a study from Stanford University published this month."

Source: NY Times, 04/10/2020

"Great Barrier Reef Is Bleaching Again. It’s Getting More Widespread."

"New data shows example after example of overheating and damage along the 1,500-mile natural wonder."

"SYDNEY, Australia — When Terry Hughes surveyed the Great Barrier Reef four years ago from a small plane, mapping the bleaching and death of corals from water warmed by climate change, he hoped such a rare and heartbreaking scene would not be repeated anytime soon.

Source: NY Times, 04/07/2020


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