
Things related to the web of life; ecology; wildlife; endangered species

Analysis: "‘Forever Chemicals’ Contaminate America’s Freshwater Fish"

"A recent study from The Environmental Working Group found that just one serving of fish can be equivalent to a month of drinking water contaminated with 48 parts per trillion of the common chemical PFOS."

Source: Washington Post, 01/05/2024

"Contrary To Politicians’ Claims, Offshore Wind Farms Don’t Kill Whales"

"Scientists say there is no credible evidence linking offshore wind farms to whale deaths. But that hasn’t stopped conservative groups and ad hoc “not in my back yard”-style anti-development groups from making the connection."

Source: AP, 01/02/2024

"This Antarctic Octopus Has a Warning About Rising Sea Levels"

"Scientists have long wondered whether the West Antarctic Ice Sheet is a ticking time bomb in terms of sea level rise. New evidence from the DNA of a small octopus that lives in the Southern Ocean suggests that the ice sheet is indeed at risk of collapsing, according to a study published on Thursday in the journal Science."

Source: NYTimes, 12/22/2023


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