Economy & Business

Banks Pledge Climate Fight, But Their Boards Have Deep Fossil-Fuel Ties

"US banks are pledging to help fight the climate crisis alongside the Biden administration, but their boards are dominated by people with climate-related conflicts of interest, and they continue to invest deeply in fossil fuel projects."

Source: Guardian, 04/08/2021

"More U.S. Coal Power Retired Under Trump Than in Obama's Second Term"

"Remember all of Donald Trump’s promises to put coal miners back to work? Turns out, his repeated attacks on the environment to try and bail out dirty fuels were all for naught. More coal-fired power was taken off the grid under Trump’s presidency than under former President Barack Obama’s second term, a new analysis from Global Energy Monitor shows."

Source: Earther, 04/06/2021

Fossil Firms Took Billions in Virus Aid but Still Cut Nearly 60,000 Jobs

"When Congress looked to prop up a tanking economy and stanch its hemorrhaging of employment as the pandemic spread last year, the oil industry was among those that sought relief. Now, a new analysis shows that dozens of fossil fuel companies received billions of dollars in tax benefits in the coronavirus relief package, but slashed tens of thousands of jobs anyway."

Source: Inside Climate News, 04/06/2021

Parks Maintenance Fund Will Go To 165 Projects, Support 19K Jobs This Year

"The Interior Department said Friday that it will create nearly 19,000 jobs through improvement projects in national parks, wildlife refuges and Bureau of Indian Education schools through funding allocated last year from a bipartisan conservation bill."

Source: The Hill, 04/05/2021
April 20, 2021

Climate Change and the Way Forward

Metcalf Institute will host a virtual Leeson Lecture to explore issues such as green job creation and changes in energy and climate policies, 1 p.m. ET, featuring Jody Freeman (pictured), the Archibald Cox Professor of Law and director of the Environmental and Energy Law Program at Harvard University.


Biden Aims To Make U.S. an EV Powerhouse. Congress May Not Be Plugged In

"President Biden wants more than $170 billion to turn the nation from a laggard in the electric vehicle market into a leader. He’s challenging Congress to OK billions more in spending to persuade Americans to part with their gas-powered cars and take public transit, and even to electrify a chunk of the nation’s yellow school bus fleets."

Source: LA Times, 04/01/2021

"Biden's $2T Infrastructure Plan Would Overhaul Grid"

"President Biden will unveil a $2 trillion, eight-year plan today that features efforts to speed up a transition to clean energy, including $100 billion to upgrade the U.S. electric grid and to give the Energy Department more clout in disputes over siting power lines."

Source: E&E News, 04/01/2021


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