Economy & Business

"Study Tied to Food Industry Tries to Discredit Sugar Guidelines"

"A prominent medical journal on Monday published a scathing attack on global health advice to eat less sugar. Warnings to cut sugar, the study argued, are based on weak evidence and cannot be trusted. But the review, published in The Annals of Internal Medicine, quickly elicited sharp criticism from public health experts because the authors have ties to the food and sugar industries."

Source: NY Times, 12/21/2016

What Challenges Face Enviro Journalism Teaching?

A look at major challenges encountered by teachers of environmental journalism found many: Fluctuating support from administrations and students, advocacy concerns, balancing technology and storytelling, and addressing dim career prospects. Insights — and solutions — from the new EJ Academy column.

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"Offshore Wind Project to Go Live as Industry Eyes Trump"

"In a few days, the water-bound wind turbines off of Rhode Island’s Block Island are expected to generate electricity commercially for the first time, and New Englanders are set to become the first in U.S. history to use electric power generated from an offshore wind turbine."

Source: Climate Central, 12/09/2016


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