Economy & Business

"Nuclear Giant Taps Wind Tax Credit That It's Trying To Kill"

"The country's largest nuclear plant operator, Exelon Corp., has publicly fought to torpedo the wind industry's coveted production tax credits, calling them financial threats to its reactors in the Midwest. But the Chicago-based utility is also cashing in on those credits, known as PTCs."

"Exelon's third-quarter earnings results released last week show the company benefiting from the tax incentives that provide wind developers with $23 for every megawatt-hour of electricity they produce. Details about which of Exelon's 44 wind projects generate the PTCs are private."

Source: Greenwire, 11/07/2013

"GMO Labeling a Hot Ballot Fight in Washington State"

"OLYMPIA, Washington -- With one day before the election in Washington State, grassroots organization Food Democracy Now! is urging its 650,000 members and citizens everywhere to make calls urging voters to support Yes on 522, a ballot initiative that would require labeling of foods containing genetically modified organisms."

Source: ENS, 11/05/2013

"Europe Threatens Gazprom With Antitrust Action"

"The European Union’s top antitrust enforcer on Thursday threatened to formally charge the Russian natural gas giant Gazprom with restricting trade and price gouging, raising the stakes in a two-year investigation that has already created tensions with Russia’s president, Vladimir V. Putin."

Source: NY Times, 10/08/2013

It Continues: 2 Pennsylvania Coal Plants Will Close for Good Next Week

"The coal sector is in its death throes, thanks to cheaper alternatives and a growing distaste for what is the worst of the global-warming fuels. The latest casualties: two coal-burning power plants in Pennsylvania that will pump their last energy into the grid, and cough their last pollution in to the air, this weekend."

Source: Grist, 10/07/2013


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