Economy & Business

"Gas Prices, Europe's Energy Crunch Threaten Biden Climate Push"

"Allies of the oil and coal industry have seized on energy crises overseas and rising gasoline prices in the U.S. to counter President Joe Biden’s plans to combat climate change and force a rapid shift to renewable power."

Source: Bloomberg, 10/11/2021

"Moment Of Truth For Grid Expansion: Who Pays?"

"Planning continues for a $30 billion grid expansion across a wide swath of the central United States to help states and utilities accelerate the shift from fossil fuels to renewable energy over the next 30 years. But before the region’s grid operator, the Midcontinent Independent System Operator (MISO), can even approve an initial set of projects, the process is mired in a thorny debate over who will pay for them."

Source: E&E News, 10/08/2021

"6 Aspects of American Life Threatened by Climate Change"

"Two dozen federal agencies flagged the biggest dangers posed by a warming planet. The list spreads across American society."

Source: NYTimes, 10/08/2021

"Fossil Fuel Industry Gets Subsidies Of $11M A Minute, IMF Finds"

"The IMF found the production and burning of coal, oil and gas was subsidised by $5.9tn in 2020, with not a single country pricing all its fuels sufficiently to reflect their full supply and environmental costs. Experts said the subsidies were “adding fuel to the fire” of the climate crisis, at a time when rapid reductions in carbon emissions were urgently needed."

Source: Guardian, 10/07/2021

"Fossil Fuel Firms Feel The Heat Over Push For Advertising Ban"

"A push for a Europe-wide ban on advertising and sponsorship by fossil fuel companies is the boldest salvo yet in a campaign by environmentalists who accuse oil firms of "greenwashing" and a history of undermining climate change science."

Source: Thomson Reuters Fdn., 10/06/2021

How Climate Attribution Science Went Mainstream, and What It Means

A growing body of research shows the links between global warming and extreme weather. And that knowledge can help communities prepare, and assign responsibility for damages. Veteran climate journalist Bob Berwyn lays out the science of climate attribution — for heat waves, flooding, wildfires and, ironically, crop-killing freezes — and discusses its implications for future climate change policy.

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