"The Divestment Movement’s Big Month"
"Investors, foundations, universities and governments pulled their assets from fossil fuel companies in record numbers in October."
"Investors, foundations, universities and governments pulled their assets from fossil fuel companies in record numbers in October."
"Minutes into the questioning of oil company executives at a hearing on climate disinformation this morning, House Oversight and Reform Chair Carolyn Maloney suggested the head of Exxon Mobil Corp. had perjured himself."
"After months of debate and delay, the Australian government on Tuesday promised to reach “net zero” emissions by 2050, unveiling a plan built on hope and investment in low-emissions technologies."
"Years before Amplify Energy made headlines for its ruptured pipeline that spewed oil into Southern California ocean waters in early October, the company’s owners were successfully fighting in court to change its obligation to maintain federally mandated funds for plugging and abandoning offshore oil and gas wells and equipment."
"Senator Joe Manchin III of West Virginia has pushed Democrats to drop or weaken a second major climate change provision from the sweeping social policy and environmental spending bill that the White House hopes to finalize this week, according to two people familiar with the matter."
"A target for rich countries to provide poor nations with $100 billion in aid each year to tackle global warming will be missed, dealing a blow to the upcoming U.N. climate talks in Glasgow."
Plastic waste, already the subject of preliminary international talks, could be increasingly targeted after UN meetings in early 2022. Meanwhile, this ubiquitous product is polluting land, ocean and air in its various forms, as well as through little-understood microplastic particles. The latest TipSheet has the backstory on efforts to forge an international plastics treaty, as well as ideas for how to cover plastic pollution locally.
"Plastics production is on track to become a major source in driving climate change, according to a report out today that finds the industry will outpace coal in greenhouse gas emissions within a decade."