
Watch List for Trump Federal Agency Appointments

Sarah Palin for Interior secretary? Her name is among those being mentioned for top environment and energy posts in the incoming Trump administration. To help you cover the shaping of the new cabinet, the latest TipSheet runs down better-known and lesser-known candidates being floated for EPA, Interior, Energy and Agriculture department chiefs. 

SEJ Publication Types: 

"Tests Show Monsanto Weed Killer in Cheerios, Other Popular Foods"

"Independent testing on an array of popular American food products found many samples contained residue levels of the weed killer called glyphosate, leading the nonprofit organization behind the testing to call for corporate and regulatory action to address consumer safety concerns."

Source: USRTK/Huffington Post, 11/16/2016

"Canada’s Big Dams Produce Clean Energy, and High Levels of Mercury"

"Protests. Hunger strikes. Sit-ins that disrupt construction. At the immense Muskrat Falls hydroelectric dam project in a remote and rugged part of Labrador, the indigenous people who live nearby have been raising louder and louder alarms. But it is not about the dam itself. The controversy is over what will flow from it."

Source: NY Times, 11/11/2016

"12,000 U.S. Schools Are Within A Mile Of A Hazardous Chemical Facility"

"On April 17, 2013, an explosion and fire at the West Fertilizer Company plant in West, Texas, killed 15 people and injured hundreds. It also destroyed more than 150 buildings around the plant. Among these were the West Intermediate School for 4th and 5th graders, located about 550 feet (170 meters) away from the fertilizer plant, and West High School, about 1,150 feet (350 meters) away."

Source: Ensia, 11/11/2016

Beyond Fracking — Covering Injection Wells in Your State

 When dangerous liquid wastes are pumped into deep wells, it's the Safe Drinking Water Act's Underground Injection Control program that aims to keep the practice safe. But does it work? Our weekly TipSheet looks beyond fracking to other kinds of injection wells, and shows how you can track stories on the practice in your state.

SEJ Publication Types: 

Bad News for Honey as U.S. Seeks Handle on Glyphosate Residues in Food

"Testing for residues of an herbicide developed by Monsanto Co. that has been linked to cancer has turned up high levels in honey from the key farm state of Iowa, adding to concerns about contamination that have triggered at least two lawsuits against honey industry players and prompted scrutiny by regulators."

Source: Huffington Post, 11/03/2016


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