
When Extreme Weather Amplifies Hazardous Waste Threats

Toxic waste is bad enough when it’s in one spot. But it can be even more dangerous when it is made mobile by climate-induced natural disasters. The latest TipSheet looks at just a few of the problems that can arise — or have already arisen. Plus, story ideas and reporting resources to cover this issue in your locale.

SEJ Publication Types: 

"Veterans on Borrowed Time Fume Over Delays on Toxic Water Claims"

"Nearly nine months after the government pledged to start compensating thousands of veterans sickened by toxic waters at Camp Lejeune, not a single claim has been settled, and the Navy says it needs to first launch an online portal to better manage the claims."

Source: Bloomberg Environment, 05/12/2023
May 15, 2023

DEADLINE: Altavoz/EHS Environmental Fellowship

Altavoz Lab and Environmental Health Sciences invite applications by May 15 from early-career bilingual journalists eager to report on environmental health, environmental justice and petrochemical industry impacts on communities in Texas, specifically near the Gulf Coast. $3,000 stipend and mentoring.


"The Pink River Dolphins of the Amazon Have a Warning for Humans"

"It was a rare sight, an endangered species emblematic of the Colombian Amazon, considered sacred by the region’s Indigenous communities: the pink dolphins."

Source: Washington Post, 05/10/2023


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