"Everything Isn’t Pura Vida in Costa Rica"
"The country’s banana industry is heavily reliant on chemical pesticides that threaten the environment and public health".
"The country’s banana industry is heavily reliant on chemical pesticides that threaten the environment and public health".
"Crop-killing weeds such as kochia are advancing across the U.S. northern plains and Midwest, in the latest sign that weeds are developing resistance to chemicals faster than companies including Bayer and Corteva can develop new ones to fight them."
"The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) said on Thursday it is seeking meetings this month with AT&T and Verizon as it continues to closely review the potential impact of lead-containing telecommunications cables."
"The Environmental Protection Agency announced a proposal on Thursday targeting tens of thousands of tons of emissions annually for sites that burn solid waste."
"A toxic mix of dust, ash, and other material from 15 million tons of rubble now blankets the territory and all who live there."
"Ninety percent of the chemicals identified as potential breast carcinogens in a new study are found in everyday products in homes and workplaces."
"The average liter of bottled water has nearly a quarter million invisible pieces of ever so tiny nanoplastics, detected and categorized for the first time by a microscope using dual lasers."
"It’s a question that has bedeviled beekeepers across the US in recent years: where has all the honey gone? Scientists now say they have some answers as to why yields of honey have declined, pointing to environmental degradation that is affecting all sorts of bees, and insects more generally."
"California’s largest greenhouse gas polluters, from power plants to oil refineries to chemical manufacturers, produced slightly fewer emissions last year than the previous year, federal data shows. But it’s still too much planet-warming gas to cut significantly into the problem of climate change, environmentalists say."
Health and environmental concerns about some beauty items — like the use of formaldehyde in certain hair straighteners — have started to emerge as a focus for federal regulation. But as the latest TipSheet points out, the response has been slow and fitful. Meanwhile, here are story ideas and resources to help reporters find local angles for this environmental and public health hazard.