Climate Change

"Green Groups Slam Keystone Pipeline, March Around White House"

"Hundreds of people who say they worry oil that would be carried the Keystone XL pipeline will accelerate climate change marched around the White House on Sunday, hoping to revive a movement credited with slowing down the permit process for the crude oil project."

Source: Reuters, 11/19/2012

"As Coasts Rebuild and U.S. Pays, Repeatedly, the Critics Ask Why"

"Across the nation, tens of billions of tax dollars have been spent on subsidizing coastal reconstruction in the aftermath of storms, usually with little consideration of whether it actually makes sense to keep rebuilding in disaster-prone areas."

Source: NY Times, 11/19/2012

"Political Support for a Sea Wall in New York Harbor Begins To Form"

"The cost of building sea barriers that would protect New York City and parts of New Jersey from storm surges is likely to run as high as $23 billion, according to the Dutch scientist commissioned by New York City to study how it might respond to the extreme weather events and rising sea levels brought about by climate change."

Source: ClimateWire, 11/16/2012


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