Climate Change

"Sea Level Rise Accelerating Faster than Initial Projections"

"Sea level is rising as the planet warms up, but how much it will rise, and how fast is still something climate scientists are working out. And according to study released late Tuesday in Environmental Research Letters the ocean is already rising faster than the most recent authoritative report from the U.N. Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) was projecting as recently as 2007."

Source: Climate Central, 11/28/2012

"To Find Warming's Speed, Scientists Must See Through Clouds"

"JUNGFRAUJOCH, Switzerland -- On a clear day at the Sphinx, a legendary atmospheric observatory 11,000 feet up in the snowed-in peaks of the Bernese Alps, the blue sky runs down green hills and white glaciers toward seemingly all of Europe beyond. On a lucky day here, though, there's only gray. There are only clouds."

Source: Greenwire, 11/27/2012

"Climate Skeptic Group Works To Reverse Renewable Energy Mandates"

"The Heartland Institute, a libertarian think tank skeptical of climate change science, has joined with the conservative American Legislative Exchange Council to write model legislation aimed at reversing state renewable energy mandates across the country."

Source: Wash Post, 11/26/2012

Interactive Maps: "What Could Disappear"

"Maps show coastal and low-lying areas that would be permanently flooded, without engineered protection, in three levels of higher seas. Percentages are the portion of dry, habitable land within the city limits of places listed that would be permanently submerged. "

Baden Copeland, Josh Keller and Bill Marsh produced the set of interactive maps for the New York Times November 24, 2012.


Source: NY Times, 11/26/2012


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