Climate Change

June 1, 2012

DEADLINE: Fellowships for Translating Science/Telling Stories: "Agriculture, Water Quality & Changing the Climate Conversation"

U.S. journalists and scientists: Apply by June 1st for an expenses-paid fellowship to participate in this July 9-10, 2012 workshop at the Kellogg Biological Station in Hickory Corners, MI, co-sponsored by SEJ and MSU's Knight Center for Environmental Journalism. You'll get out in the field to hear about climate change and Great Lakes agriculture impacts, board boats to talk about the threat to inland waters and discuss with colleagues new ways of connecting with your intended audience.


"Climate Change Will More Than Triple Annual US Heat-Death Toll"

"In an average summer in the United States, there are 1,332 heat-related deaths. But climate change will make that number rise to 4,608 by the end of the century, according to a new report from the Natural Resources Defense Council. In total, the US can expect 150,000 deaths due to excessive heat by 2100, the report projects."

Source: Mother Jones, 05/24/2012

"Heartland Reflects on Its Beating"

"The ultra-conservative group's climate conference showed how far it has fallen after an internet sting and a disastrous ad."

"It was an odd choice of icon for the ultra-conservative Heartland Institute. But there he was in round glasses, beard, and halo of curls staring out from T-shirts and coffee mugs at their gathering of climate change contrarians this week, the scientist whose internet sting set Heartland on its current course of collapse.

Source: Guardian, 05/23/2012


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