Climate Change

"Scorching Phoenix Plans For An Even Hotter Future"

"The Arizona city already logs more days over 100 degrees than any U.S. city, and climate researchers predict Phoenix will grow hotter still in the coming decades. Planners are taking the projections seriously, and are looking for ways to adapt the city and its residents to a hotter, drier reality."

Source: NPR, 08/15/2012

"Climate Change and the Fate of a Million Kids"

"If you had to pick ground zero for climate change, you might pick the Sahel, the grasslands between the Sahara in the north and African tropical rainforests in the south. The region is immensely fertile—when it isn't being slammed by recurrent droughts and floods. Many human lives are suspended in a fragile balance with the volatile climate of this region."

Source: Mother Jones, 08/14/2012

Climate Models That Predict More Droughts Gain Scientific Support

"The United States will suffer a series of severe droughts in the next two decades, according to a new study published in the journal Nature Climate Change. Moreover, global warming will play an increasingly important role in their abundance and severity, claims Aiguo Dai, the study’s author."

Source: Wash Post, 08/14/2012

"Feds Conclude Probe Of Polar Bear Scientists"

"A federal investigation into two researchers who wrote a famous report on drowned polar bears is finally over, according to their lawyer. But the scientists still haven't been allowed to see a copy of the investigation report or its conclusions, says attorney Jeff Ruch of Public Employees for Environmental Responsibility."

Source: NPR, 08/14/2012

"Jerry Brown Global Warming Website Takes On Climate Change Deniers"

"Noting the occasion of the 15th annual Lake Tahoe Summit, a conference examining the environmental and developmental issues affecting the iconic alpine region straddling the California and Nevada borders, California Governor Jerry Brown announced the launch of a website dedicated to combating skeptics of climate change.

Source: Huffington Post, 08/14/2012
April 9, 2013 to April 13, 2013

AAG Annual Meeting

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