Climate Change

October 6, 2023

DEADLINE: Oxford Climate Journalism Network

This Reuters program supports a global community of reporters and editors to improve the quality, understanding and impact of climate coverage around the world. Structured around an online course, leadership programs, mid-career journalist fellowships and academic research. Apply by Oct 6.


"Abandoned Lands: A Hidden Resource for Restoring Biodiversity"

"Abandoned farmland has been increasing, with a billion acres — an area half the size of Australia — lost globally. Ecologists are increasingly pointing to the potential of these lands and of degraded forests as neglected resources for rewilding and for capturing carbon."

Source: YaleE360, 10/04/2023

Type Of Storm That Drenched New York Is Up To 20% Wetter Due To Climate

"The unmistakable influence of the climate crisis helped cause New York City to be inundated by a month’s worth of rain within just a few hours on Friday, scientists have warned, amid concerns over how well the city is prepared for severe climate shocks."

Source: Guardian, 10/04/2023

Wildfire DisInformation Becomes a State Weapon, Aided by AI

How did the Lahaina wildfire spark an AI-driven influence campaign out of China? Perhaps a technological leap. Or perhaps, the new WatchDog Opinion column suggests, a natural evolution of a decades-old disinformation playbook with roots in a war against science and culminating in climate denial. A look at the disturbing prospects and a plea for journalists not to sidestep the phenomenon but to cover it.

SEJ Publication Types: 

UAE's Jaber Says Oil, Industrial Firms To Commit To Decarbonization At COP28

"More than 20 firms across the oil and gas sector and heavy industry have agreed to commit to curb emissions at the UN's COP28 climate summit, with more expected to join the group before the conference, its president said on Monday."

Source: Reuters, 10/03/2023


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