Climate Change

"How Carbon Stored Underground Could Find Its Way Back Into the Atmosphere"

"Generous federal tax credits are driving the onrush of carbon capture and storage projects being proposed in the U.S. But like a game of whack-a-mole, there’s a chance the planet-warming emissions could seep back up into the atmosphere after they are injected underground."

Source: Floodlight, 09/27/2023

After Summer’s Extreme Weather, More Americans See Climate Change As Culprit

"New polling from The Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research indicates that extreme weather, including a summer that brought dangerous heat for much of the United States, is bolstering Americans’ belief that they’ve personally felt the impact of climate change."

Source: AP, 09/27/2023

"Antarctica Just Hit A Record Low In Sea Ice — By A Lot"

"Sea ice levels around Antarctica just registered a record low — and by a wide margin — as winter comes to a close, according to the National Snow and Ice Data Center (NSIDC). This significant milestone adds worry that Antarctic sea ice may be entering a state of decline brought on by climate change."

Source: Washington Post, 09/27/2023

Judge Blocks US Plan To Scale Back Gulf Lease Sale To Protect Whale Species

"A federal judge has ordered the Interior Department to expand next week’s scheduled sale of of Gulf of Mexico oil and gas leases by millions of acres, rejecting a scaled-back plan announced last month by the Biden administration as part of an effort to protect an endangered whale species."

Source: AP, 09/26/2023

"The Human Limit: The Inequality Of Heat"

"After the third day without power, the residents of Kasia Bagan had had enough. Their city of Kolkata was in the midst of a blistering heat wave, with temperatures rising to 105 degrees, making life in the narrow lanes and in their tiny one-room homes nearly unbearable."

Source: Washington Post, 09/26/2023


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