Climate Change

"Facing 'Horrific' Pacific Rise, Tuvalu Crafts Climate Survival Plan"

"Fearing "horrific" risks from a rising ocean that could swamp low-lying islands, the Pacific nation of Tuvalu aims to reinforce its coasts in a novel partnership with Australia aimed at helping the developing island state adapt to climate change."

Source: Thomson Reuters Fdn., 09/22/2023

Wildfire Smoke Is Erasing Years Of Progress Toward Cleaning Up America's Air

"Over the last few decades, air in the U.S. has undergone a remarkable transformation: pollution levels of health-damaging tiny particles have dropped by roughly 40% since 2000, primarily thanks to the country's decades-long effort to improve air quality through the Clean Air Act, a landmark environmental law."

Source: NPR, 09/21/2023


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