Climate Change

Enviros Plan Suit On Endangered Species Harm From Bonnet Carre Spillway

"Two environmental groups are threatening to file suit against the Army Corps of Engineers, the Mississippi River Commission and the Interior Department for failing to evaluate the impact of repeatedly opening the Bonnet Carre Spillway."

Source: New Orleans Times-Picayune, 01/29/2020

"Court Decision Casts Doubt On Dozens Of U.S. Refinery Biofuel Waivers"

"A U.S. court decision last week striking down three biofuel waivers that the Environmental Protection Agency gave oil refineries in 2017 has cast doubt on the legitimacy of dozens of other EPA exemptions granted under similar circumstances, according to industry experts and agency data."

Source: Reuters, 01/29/2020

Climate Concerns Dominate Reporting Outlook at SEJ Annual Event

An overflow crowd of environmental reporters and others gathered in Washington, D.C., last week at the Society of Environmental Journalists’ annual look-ahead on environment and energy news to hear what speakers like the former United Nations head and top journalists see as the news to watch for. Find out what one story dominated. Plus, watch video of the full program.

SEJ Publication Types: 

"Court Forces U.S. EPA To Reconsider Three Refinery Biofuel Waivers"

"A U.S. appeals court has ruled that the Environmental Protection Agency must reconsider three of the biofuel waivers it recently granted to small oil refineries, arguing the agency’s justification for approving the exemptions was flawed."

Source: Reuters, 01/28/2020


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