Climate Change

Memphis Endures Day 4 Of Water Problems As Freezing Weather Bursts Pipes

"Memphis residents spent their fourth day boiling water for drinking, brushing their teeth and preparing food on Monday as repair crews worked to fix broken pipes in hopes of easing the stress caused by a week of subfreezing temperatures, snow and ice in this southern city."

Source: AP, 01/23/2024

What’s Ahead on Climate Justice, Climate Crisis Beat

What environment stories will matter most in 2024 to communities of color and Indigenous communities? Columnist Yessenia Funes sheds light on concerns ranging from the environmental damage in Gaza and extreme weather across the United States to the fallout from the U.S. presidential election to the local impacts of the clean energy transition. Insights in the latest Voices of Environmental Justice.

SEJ Publication Types: 

Guidance Makes EV Charger Tax Credits Available Where Most Americans Live

"The Biden administration has offered a broad interpretation for where electric vehicle (EV) charger projects can qualify for new tax credits — making those credits available in places where about two-thirds of Americans live."

Source: The Hill, 01/22/2024


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