Scientists Uncover Troubling News About Greenland’s Biggest Glacier
"The largest glacier in Greenland is even more vulnerable to sustained ice losses than previously thought, scientists have reported."
"The largest glacier in Greenland is even more vulnerable to sustained ice losses than previously thought, scientists have reported."
"Teaching material sent by Heartland Institute to thousands of teachers denies climate science, aims to teach a 'debate.'"
"Science teachers and legislators are fighting back after a conservative advocacy organization mailed false information on climate science to thousands of school science teachers nationwide.
"More than 40 percent of the world's permafrost—landscape covered in frozen soil—is at risk of thawing even if the world succeeds in limiting global warming to the international goal of 2 degrees Celsius, according to a new study."
"Last year Florida was waterlogged. This year Florida is on fire. More than 100 active wildfires are burning across the state right now, according to the Florida Forest Service. Twenty-seven of them are scorching more than 100 acres each."
"Among the sweeping cuts in the Trump administration’s 53-page budget blueprint released last month, one paragraph stood out to climate researchers. It proposed eliminating four of NASA’s climate science missions, including instruments to study clouds, small airborne particles, the flow of carbon dioxide and other elements of the atmosphere and oceans."
"The U.S. administration of Donald Trump on Monday scuppered efforts by the Group of Seven industrialized countries to reach a common stance on energy when it asked for more time to work out its policies on climate change."
"One of the worst droughts in California history has officially ended, Governor Jerry Brown declared on Friday, but not before it strained the state's farm economy and threatened water supplies for millions of residents."
"The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is shutting down a program at its headquarters that helps states and localities adapt to the effects of climate change, such as rising sea levels."
"GUANGZHOU, China — The rains brought torrents, pouring into basements and malls, the water swiftly rising a foot and a half."
"For decades, Alaska has struggled to get running water and sewer systems to its rural communities. An estimated 3,000 households — or about 10,000 people — still lack both. Now, that job may be getting harder, as climate change exacerbates old problems and creates new ones."