
August 25, 2014

DEADLINE: China Now: Entrepreneurship and More 2014

The National Press Foundation and Fudan University are collaborating to offer a 10-day, all-expenses-paid fellowship in Shanghai, China for U.S. journalists, Nov 13-22, 2014. Meet with scholars, business leaders and Chinese journalists in and around Shanghai to explore issues such as China’s globalizing economy; air and water pollution and the growth of “green” industry; the impact of an aging population; and more. Apply by Aug 25th.


"Take Care in the Kitchen: Avoiding Cooking-Related Pollutants"

"Carbon monoxide (CO), nitrogen dioxide (NO2), and particulate matter (PM) are harmful air pollutants that pose significant short- and long-term health risks. Emitted from coal-fired power plants, vehicle exhaust pipes, and other combustion sources, they’re among six primary pollutants monitored by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) through the Clean Air Act. These same pollutants are also some of the most common contributors to unhealthy air inside U.S. homes, due in part to a ubiquitous and possibly surprising activity: cooking."

Source: EHP, 06/03/2014


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