Energy & Fuel

"Honolulu Sues Petroleum Companies For Climate Change Damages to City"

"Honolulu city officials, lashing out at the fossil fuel industry in a climate change lawsuit filed Monday, accused oil producers of concealing the dangers that greenhouse gas emissions from petroleum products would create, while reaping billions in profits."

Source: InsideClimate News, 03/10/2020

Deserted Oil Wells Haunt Los Angeles With Toxic Fumes And Cleanup Costs

"Thick oil was once so abundant beneath Southern California that it bubbled to the surface, most famously at the La Brea Tar Pits. But after more than a century of aggressive drilling by fossil fuel companies, most of Los Angeles’ profitable oil is gone. What remains is a costly legacy ...."

Source: LA Times, 03/09/2020

"E.U. Proposes a Climate Law. Greta Thunberg Hears ‘Empty Words.’"

"The European Union laid out plans on Wednesday for a climate law that would set a target of net zero carbon emissions across the bloc by 2050. But the bill, part of a wider policy package called the Green Deal, was immediately criticized by climate activists, including Greta Thunberg, who denounced it as “empty words.”"

Source: NY Times, 03/05/2020


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