Energy & Fuel

Massive COVID-19 Aid Bill Nears Passage with Key Environment, Energy Elements

An historic multi-trillion-dollar COVID-19 aid bill is approaching passage in the U.S. Congress, and while details are currently sketchy, it appears to include some key environment and energy asks related to oil reserves, emergency transit funding, cuts in airline carbon emissions, clean energy tax credits, and relief for oil, gas and coal industries. Read on, find out more about the many environment and energy reporting angles to the COVID-19 outbreak and stay tuned to SEJournal online for further developments.

SEJ Publication Types: 

"Oil Industry Cites Virus In Seeking Broad Pollution Waivers"

"The Environmental Protection Agency said Tuesday that it’s reviewing a request from the oil and gas industry to ease enforcement of hazardous air and water pollution and other regulatory issues during the coronavirus pandemic. The proposal is drawing objections from public health and environmental advocates."


Source: AP, 03/25/2020

"Iconic Plant’s End Spells Doom For Struggling Coal Industry"

"President Donald Trump tried to stop it from happening. The top Republican in the Senate, Mitch McConnell, did too. Despite their best efforts to make good on Trump’s campaign promise to save the beleaguered coal industry, including an eleventh-hour pressure campaign, the Tennessee Valley Authority power plant at Paradise burned its last load of coal last month."

Source: AP, 03/25/2020

Coronavirus Pandemic Spawns Many Stories on Environment Beat

The momentous COVID-19 outbreak has many, many reporting angles — environment and energy stories certainly among them. Our latest Issue Backgrounder has an extensive rundown on possible ways in for environment and energy reporters, including everything from respiratory disease and air pollution to science denial and climate change, and more. Plus, pending passage of a massive congressional aid package. And an earlier TipSheet on how journalists can prepare for public health emergencies.

SEJ Publication Types: 

"So Far, Stimulus Is Leaving Mass Transit Behind"

"As the U.S. government signals its willingness to come to the aid of airline and cruise industries wounded by the novel coronavirus, another transportation sector is desperate to signal its distress to federal lawmakers. And the case for support rests, in part, on climate change."

Source: Bloomberg Green, 03/23/2020

"Coronavirus Could Cut A Third Of U.S. Wind Jobs — Report"

"The U.S. wind industry's chief trade group released its first estimate of the impact of the new coronavirus yesterday, finding that almost a third of U.S. industry jobs and $43 billion in industry investments could be endangered from the pandemic."

Source: EnergyWire, 03/23/2020


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