Energy & Fuel

Review Of Dominion Power's Chesapeake Site Leaves Out Most Of Coal Ash

"State lawmakers this week agreed to stretch out a regulatory review of Dominion Virginia Power’s plan to permanently store coal ash at four sites, including in Chesapeake. ... But assessments planned by Dominion to help state regulators decide next year if the cap-in-place proposals are still sound may not include most of the ash stored at the Chesapeake site, the company has indicated."

Source: Norfolk Virginian-Pilot, 04/07/2017

Coal Is on the Way Out at Electric Utilities, No Matter What Trump Says

"In Page, Ariz., the operators of the Navajo Generating Station, the largest coal-fired power plant in the West, have announced plans to close it by 2019. The electric utility Dayton Power & Light will shut two coal plants in southern Ohio by next year. Across the country, at least six other coal-fired power plants have shut since November, and nearly 40 more are to close in the next four years."

Source: NY Times, 04/06/2017

"U.S. Coal Companies Ask Trump To Stick With Paris Climate Deal"

"Some big American coal companies have advised President Donald Trump's administration to break his promise to pull the United States out of the Paris Climate Agreement – arguing that the accord could provide their best forum for protecting their global interests."

Source: Reuters, 04/05/2017

"U.S. Would Slash EPA Vehicle Testing Budget Under Trump Plan"

"The Trump administration would virtually eliminate federal funding for the Environmental Protection Agency's budget for vehicle emissions and fuel economy testing but will seek to raise fees on industry to pay for some testing, a government document shows."

Source: Reuters, 04/05/2017

"Trump Declares End To 'War On Coal,' But Utilities Aren't Listening"

"When President Donald Trump signed an executive order last week to sweep away Obama-era climate change regulations, he said it would end America's "war on coal", usher in a new era of energy production and put miners back to work. But the biggest consumers of U.S. coal - power generating companies - remain unconvinced."

Source: Reuters, 04/05/2017


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