Energy & Fuel

March 31, 2017

Webinar: Go Deep: The Legal Implications of Deep Ocean Resource Exploration and Extraction

As oceans are an increasingly important resource for many industries and coastal states, and activities move further offshore, this World Ocean Council webinar, 12:15-1:30 pm MDT, will examine new legal questions raised as activities move further offshore, beyond the boundaries of coastal state laws into the realm of international conventions and regulators. Event is no charge; registration required.


Clean Power Plan Undoing Has State, Regional Fallout

Rewinding the Clean Power Plan and its planned cuts in U.S. carbon emissions may not have the effect intended, reports this week's TipSheet. Why changes now underway in the electric power industry may have less to do with regulations than with the energy market itself. Plus, covering developments state by state.

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Trump Review of Auto Emissions Standards Upsets Deal

Has President Donald Trump really unraveled Obama-era auto mileage standards and the climate policy they supported? Far from it, explains our latest Backgrounder. Here's why true change on auto emissions will take much more than a presidential fiat. And get angles and sources to report the ongoing issue. 

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Calif. Upholds Auto Emissions Standards, Setting Up Face-Off With Trump

"California’s clean-air agency voted on Friday to push ahead with stricter emissions standards for cars and trucks, setting up a potential legal battle with the Trump administration over the state’s plan to reduce planet-warming gases."

Source: NY Times, 03/27/2017


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