Energy & Fuel

"Drilling for Certainty: The Latest in Fracking Health Studies"

"For years, environmentalists and the gas drilling industry have been in a pitched battle over the possible health implications of hydro fracking. But to a great extent, the debate — as well as the emerging lawsuits and the various proposed regulations in numerous states — has been hampered by a shortage of science."

Source: ProPublica, 03/06/2014

Study: KXL Would Have Much Larger Impact Than State Dept Suggests

"WASHINGTON -- The State Department's final environmental impact analysis for the proposed Keystone XL pipeline downplays the significance the pipeline would have for development of the Canadian tar sands, according to a new analysis from a United Kingdom-based group. The analysis also argues that the State Department underestimated the amount of greenhouse gas emissions that would come with that development."

Source: Huffington Post, 03/04/2014


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