Energy & Fuel

Buried Report Cites TransCanada’s ‘Inadequate’ Pipeline Inspections

"Just weeks after a TransCanada natural gas pipeline exploded and left thousands of residents without gas in sub-zero temperatures, a CBC News investigation uncovered a 2011 report, buried by federal regulators, that criticized the company “for ‘inadequate’ field inspections and ‘ineffective’ management.”"

Source: Climate Progress, 02/07/2014

"Energy Role Is Lifting Democrat in Louisiana"

"Senator Mary L. Landrieu, Democrat of Louisiana, is set to become chairwoman next week of the Senate Energy Committee, a powerful position that gives her jurisdiction over the oil and gas industry that fuels her state’s economy — and which will be a major source of contributions to Ms. Landrieu’s tough re-election campaign this fall."

Source: NY Times, 02/07/2014

"3 Companies Fined for Mislabeling Crude Oil in Rail Transit"

"Federal regulators said on Tuesday that they had fined three companies for mislabeling the type of crude oil they were transporting. The penalties — a total of $93,000 — were the first from surprise inspections begun after since a series of accidents in the last year underscored the hazard of transporting highly flammable oil by rail."

Source: NY Times, 02/05/2014


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