Energy & Fuel

"China Invests Billions in Canada Oil Sands"

"FORT McMURRAY, Alberta -- As U.S. companies look toward oil riches in northern Canada, they're encountering increasing competition - as well as some much-needed cash infusions - from the Far East. U.S. and Canadian companies have dominated Alberta's oil sands for decades. Now, though, Chinese firms are rushing to snap up Canadian oil sands resources and invest in ongoing projects - to the tune of $15 billion in the past 18 months in Alberta alone."

Source: Houston Chronicle, 09/19/2011

"Safety Risks Underscored by Violations at ExxonMobil Refinery"

"As an investigation by the Center for Public Integrity’s iWatch News  has shown , oil refining is one of the country’s most dangerous industries, where even seemingly small recurring events such as equipment breakdowns and fires can have fatal consequences.  Yet an easily manipulated regulatory system allows companies to delay or avoid improvements. While the U.S. Occupational Safety and Health Administration occasionally appears to take a tough stance, identifying perils and proposing fines, the fines are often small and can be appealed for long periods of time, delaying fixes."

Source: iWatch News, 09/19/2011

Will Latest Gulf Spill Report Prompt Congress To Act?

"The latest probe into last year's Gulf of Mexico blowout and oil spill -- a federal report that blames much of the disaster on poor management decisions by BP PLC -- has elicited strong but varied responses on Capitol Hill, but its chances of prompting immediate legislative action remain slim."

Source: Greenwire, 09/16/2011
October 24, 2011 to October 26, 2011

SmartGrid Canada 2011

Seize the opportunity to advance smart grid solutions and deliver benefits to Canadians with other Canadian and international industry leaders. Discussions will focus on Canada’s current smart grid development and its direction for the future.

October 4, 2011 to October 7, 2011

Greenbuild NEXT International Conference and Expo

Greenbuild NEXT, in Toronto, Ontario, Canada, will be the first time the U.S. Green Building Council is hosting Greenbuild outside the United States. The conference and expo will celebrate what's NEXT for green building.


BP Blowout: Lessons from Gulf Oil Disaster

Everything from the social media’s importance to the need for a detailed disaster plan — Robert A. Thomas, professor and director of the Center for Environmental Communication, School of Mass Communication at Loyola University in New Orleans, outlines 17 take-away lessons for journalists.

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