Environmental Health

"Hurricane Ida Forces Three Damaged Hospitals To Evacuate Patients"

"Hospitals in Southeast Louisiana, already burdened with extremely high numbers of covid patients, took a beating from Hurricane Ida, with roofs ripped off or damaged, leaving water pouring inside and forcing three bayou-country hospitals ravaged by the eye of the storm to evacuate their patients. Patients at a fourth hospital were rescued by the U.S. Coast Guard."

Source: Washington Post, 08/31/2021

91% Of Pa. Schools That Tested Water Found Lead. Only 9% Removed It

"Many Pennsylvania school districts have detected lead and other contaminants in their drinking water and documented problems with mold and radon in school buildings—but not all of them removed the hazards, according to a new report."

Source: EHN, 08/30/2021

"Group’s Allegations of Destroying Records Spur EPA Investigation"

"The EPA says it will fully investigate allegations from a public interest group that it illegally destroys the original versions of its internal communications and draft documents once they’re edited, according to an agency spokesman."

Source: Bloomberg Environment, 08/30/2021

"Indoor Air Pollution Remains a Deadly—and Unregulated—Problem"

"Harmful indoor air quality has been listed as one of the top five environmental risks to public health, according to Environmental Protection Agency comparative risk studies. Yet there’s no comprehensive regulation that addresses those harms outside of a patchwork of protections and standards of care."

Source: Bloomberg Environment, 08/26/2021

"Biden Aims To Remove All Lead Pipes. Will EPA Follow Suit?"

"President Biden has made a push to remove the nation’s lead pipelines a cornerstone of his infrastructure agenda, but a requirement to make that happen is noticeably MIA in EPA’s current rule. Advocates hope that changes."

Source: E&E News, 08/25/2021

"DOE Urged to Weigh Environmental Inequity From U.S. Ethane Boom"

"Efforts to expand production and exports of ethane—a natural gas byproduct used to make plastics—were criticized by groups that told the Department of Energy Tuesday that any job gains wouldn’t benefit regions bearing the brunt of environmental damage."

Source: Bloomberg Environment, 08/25/2021

"Heat Kills. This Underfunded Program Could Help."

"Heat kills in the big city. So does lack of air conditioning. Of the roughly 70 New Yorkers directly killed by heat exposure in their own homes over the past decade, the majority — some 80% — did not own air conditioners, and those who did weren’t running them when they died."

Source: E&E News, 08/24/2021

Reporting Innovations Hold Promise for Reporting on Climate Change Amid News Deserts

Slashed news budgets and staff cuts have left many U.S. newsrooms short on time and resources for deep reporting on climate change and other complex topics. But two innovative projects at The Post and Courier in South Carolina — one enriching breaking news stories and the other fostering news outlet cooperation — aim at filling the void. Acclaimed journalist Tony Bartelme explains.

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