Environmental Health

"Pandemic: EPA Enforcement Move Meets API Wish List — And Then Some"

"Three days before EPA issued a policy signaling to industry it would not penalize companies for failing to comply with environmental laws during the novel coronavirus pandemic, the American Petroleum Institute sent the agency a wish list. The oil and gas lobby got more than it had hoped for."

Source: Greenwire, 04/02/2020

"EPA Should Warn More Residents About Ethylene Oxide Risk: IG"

"The EPA has failed to warn residents who live near most plants that emit significant amounts of the carcinogenic gas ethylene oxide about the potential dangers to their health, the agency’s inspector general concluded Tuesday."

Source: Bloomberg Environment, 04/01/2020

"Car Rules: Battle Lines Drawn As Trump Finalizes Rollback"

"Trump administration officials today defended their decision to finalize the rollback of clean car standards during the novel coronavirus crisis, prompting praise from conservatives and threats of lawsuits from environmentalists."

Source: Greenwire, 04/01/2020
April 2, 2020

Webinar: The Relationship Between the Environment and the Coronavirus

This free online webinar, 10:00 a.m.-12:30 p.m. CDT, will feature speakers from Louisiana State University's School of Public Health in New Orleans (a hotspot for coronavirus in the U.S.) among other LSU experts. Interested journalists can learn more about it and register to attend.



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