Environmental Health

"Newark Lead Crisis Expands as N.J. Asks for Federal Help"

"New test results indicate that the extent of the lead contamination crisis in Newark, N.J., may be broader than previously thought and the state now says it needs federal help to respond, according to new court filings."

Source: Bloomberg Environment, 08/14/2019

"EPA Won’t Approve Warning Labels For Roundup Chemical"

"The Trump administration says it won’t approve warning labels for products that contain glyphosate, a move aimed at California as it fights one of the world’s largest agriculture companies about the potentially cancer-causing chemical."

Source: AP, 08/13/2019

"Summer in the City Is Hot, but Some Neighborhoods Suffer More"

"As the United States suffers through a summer of record-breaking heat, new research shows that temperatures on a scorching summer day can vary as much as 20 degrees across different parts of the same city, with poor or minority neighborhoods often bearing the brunt of that heat."

Source: NY Times, 08/12/2019

"Revealed: How Monsanto's 'Intelligence Center' Targeted Journalists"

"Monsanto operated a “fusion center” to monitor and discredit journalists and activists, and targeted a reporter who wrote a critical book on the company, documents reveal. The agrochemical corporation also investigated the singer Neil Young and wrote an internal memo on his social media activity and music."

Source: Guardian, 08/09/2019

Freelance Journalism: Not an Enterprise for the Weak

August 8, 2019 — I'm a Washington, D.C.-based, award-winning energy and environment reporter. As a staff writer for InsideClimate News, my groundbreaking dispatches from Kalamazoo, Mich., "The Dilbit Disaster: Inside the Biggest Oil Spill You Never Heard Of," won a Pulitzer Prize for National Reporting. As well, an e-book version of the narrative won the 2013 Rachel Carson Book Award from the Society of Environmental Journalists.


Trump EPA Appoints Former Oil Executive to Head South-Central Region

"The Trump administration named a former oil executive who has voiced doubts about man-made global warming as the top Environmental Protection Agency official in the South-Central United States, a hub of the fossil fuel industry as well as the site of recent climate-driven disasters such as Hurricane Harvey."

Source: InsideClimate News, 08/08/2019


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