Environmental Health

April 1, 2019 to April 4, 2019


BioCycle's 32nd annual conference will bring experts together Apr 1-4, 2019 in Portland, Oregon to cover current core challenges and solutions to catalyze organics recycling.


Watchdog Says Political Appointees Delayed EPA Toxic Chemical Assessments

"A top government watchdog reported that political appointees at the Environmental Protection Agency delayed reviews of toxic chemicals like formaldehyde for months last year during a review to see if the agency’s work met the leadership’s priorities."

Source: ABC News, 03/05/2019

US Trying To End The Longest Oil Spill In History. Company Fights Back

"As the longest offshore oil spill in U.S. history creeps toward its 15th year, the federal government is preparing to launch a determined effort to contain the oil and cap the leaking wells."

Source: Washington Post, 03/04/2019


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