Environmental Health

Award-Winner — ‘Trust Your Gut’ but Track the Data

Small market environmental beat reporting can shine a light on serious issues that affect local residents, and Texas Observer’s Christopher Collins does that with a passion. That’s the word from judges for the Society of Environmental Journalists’ annual reporting awards, who recently honored Collins for his work, citing his mix of hard-hitting info and interesting characters. In the latest Inside Story, Collins shares how he gets his story ideas, overcomes challenges and focuses on how issues affect real individuals.

SEJ Publication Types: 

Choked Up — Thanks to SEJ!

February 5, 2019 — I'm the grateful recipient of an SEJ Fund for Environmental Journalism travel grant. SEJ's generous support allowed me to go to India to report on air pollution. In addition to the stories it enabled me to write for the New York Times, the Guardian and Smithsonian at the time, that grant was the first step in my work on a book about air pollution — "Choked: Life and Breath in the Age of Air Pollution."


Environment and Energy News Outlook for 2019

With 2019 in full swing, the SEJournal offers an analysis of the year ahead in environment and energy news, with an overview of our full special report, the “2019 Journalists’ Guide to Energy & Environment.” Plus, don’t miss SEJ’s Jan. 25 event with top reporters to help you keep track of the big stories on the beat. RSVP here to attend in-person or online.

SEJ Publication Types: 

Urgency of Katowice Carries Over to SEJ Mission

From under a blanket of dense smog that hung over the southern Polish town hosting a recent United Nations climate change conference, the president of the Society of Environmental Journalists, Bobby Magill, had a moment of clarity for the profession and the organization. His insights, and how they will affect the future of SEJ as it begins a new strategic planning process, in Magill’s latest SEJ President’s Report. Plus, a special honor for a “tireless” SEJ leader.

SEJ Publication Types: 

"FDA To Restart More Food Safety Inspections Affected By Shutdown"

"The FDA plans as soon as Tuesday to restart food safety inspections at facilities that handle riskier products like fresh-cut produce, as the partial government shutdown extends into its fourth week, FDA Commissioner Scott Gottlieb said Monday."

Source: Politico, 01/15/2019

Michigan: "PFAS Response Agency Continues Without Director Or Edict"

"A multi-agency state task force assembled to tackle a ubiquitous chemical contaminant across Michigan continues to operate under the Whitmer administration, but without a director or the executive directive that created it."

Source: Detroit News, 01/15/2019


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