Environmental Health

"AP Fact Check: Trump And An Eco Legacy Not His Own"

"President Donald Trump and his aides this past week celebrated an environmental legacy that is not theirs to claim. In large measure, the progress they cited pre-dates Trump’s presidency. And in some of the particulars, they were wrong. For example, the air is not cleaner under Trump."

Source: AP, 07/15/2019

EPA Plans to Curtail Ability of Communities to Oppose Pollution Permits

"The Environmental Protection Agency is preparing to weaken rules that for the past quarter-century have given communities a voice in deciding how much pollution may legally be released by nearby power plants and factories."

Source: NY Times, 07/15/2019

"Trump Threatens Veto On Defense Bill That Targets 'Forever Chemicals'"

"One day after President Trump delivered a speech preaching of his administration’s environmental achievements, he threatened to veto a military spending bill in part due to provisions that aim to clean up a toxic, cancer-linked chemical found near military bases."

Source: The Hill, 07/11/2019


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