"EPA Proposal Scraps Limits On Coal Plant Waste"
"The Trump administration on Wednesday proposed scrapping restrictions on arsenic-laden waste from coal-fired power plants."
"The Trump administration on Wednesday proposed scrapping restrictions on arsenic-laden waste from coal-fired power plants."
"The expert panel advising EPA on particulate pollution doesn't include a representative from the discipline responsible for most of the scientific evidence that soot is a public health hazard."
"Welcome to the coldest capital city on earth — Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia — where the temperature can drop to minus 20 degrees Fahrenheit at night. The city's population has nearly tripled since 1989. Without infrastructure to service all 1.4 million people, residents off the electric grid are burning raw coal to stay warm. The result? Winters with extreme air pollution."
"Senate Democrats are concerned about lead-based paint in public schools after auditors found that only 12% of districts inspected their campuses for the toxins during the 2016-17 school year."
"EPA leaders are pushing forward with an overhaul of the way the agency evaluates the dangers of environmental contaminants after a brief consultation with outside scientists — a process that environmentalists claim was rushed and could be misused."
"Environmentalists went to court today in hopes of squeezing myriad pesticides-related documents out from several allegedly unresponsive federal agencies."
"Washington, DC — A controversial decision to pull the plug on a federal study of the socio-economic impacts of coal strip mining has no identified author, according to documents obtained by Public Employees for Environmental Responsibility (PEER). Nor were the reasons behind the action pinpointed, as key documents are still being withheld as “deliberative.”"
"RESERVE, Louisiana — In a Louisiana town of 10,000 people, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) said there is some of the most toxic air in America. More than 100 petrochemical plants and refineries dot the corridor between New Orleans and Baton Rouge, often referred to as 'cancer alley.'"
"The Trump EPA has tried to stack the deck against tougher standards for smog and soot by recruiting anti-regulatory advocates for key advisory committees."