Environmental Health

Is Pruitt Bluffing? Or Will He Gut Tough Calif. Emissions Standards?

"California officials and clean air advocates are increasingly concerned the Trump administration may attempt to unravel a key program to drive down greenhouse gas emissions from automobile fleets while also jeopardizing the ability of California and other states to set pollution standards stronger than federal rules."

Source: McClatchy, 02/12/2018

"Dems Call For $1 Trillion Federal Investment In Infrastructure"

"House Democrats on Thursday called for $1 trillion in federal dollars for an infrastructure overhaul, a proposal that comes just days ahead of the announcement of President Trump’s long-awaited infrastructure proposal."

Source: The Hill, 02/09/2018

UN Agency Targets Black-Carbon Pollution From Ships"

"Governments are slowly advancing efforts to reduce climate and health impacts of soot."

"Governments are poised this week to begin discussing rules to curb black-carbon pollution from ships, after nearly seven years of preparation. The sooty emissions, which are produced by diesel engines, warm the climate and harm human health.

Source: Nature, 02/08/2018


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