Environmental Health

"E.P.A. Threatens to Stop Funding Justice Dept. Environmental Work"

"Scott Pruitt, the Environmental Protection Agency administrator who has aggressively pushed to dismantle regulations and downsize the organization, is threatening to reach outside his agency and undermine the Justice Department’s work enforcing antipollution laws, documents and interviews show."

Source: NY Times, 09/28/2017

"EPA Removes Waste At Texas Toxic Sites, Won’t Say From Where"

"The Environmental Protection Agency says it has recovered 517 containers of 'unidentified, potentially hazardous material' from highly contaminated toxic waste sites in Texas that flooded last month during Hurricane Harvey. The agency has not provided details about which Superfund sites the material came from, why the contaminants at issue have not been identified and whether there’s a threat to human health."

Source: AP, 09/27/2017

"Something in the Air: When Hazardous Vapors Slip Indoors"

"When Jane Horton bought her dream 800-square-foot farmhouse in 1975, she thought little of the semiconductor manufacturing plant across the street. Even after the company’s buildings were demolished and a chain-link fence went up around the campus, she still had no knowledge of the toxic dangers lurking beneath her feet — let alone of the fact that they were invading her home."

Source: Undark, 09/27/2017

Is There a Post-Flood “Toxic Stew” Near You?

Flooding disasters can unleash some nasty substances into the environment, whether from Superfund sites, sewage plants or petrochemical and other industrial facilities handling toxic and hazardous materials.This week's TipSheet identifies some of the biggest risks, and offers starting points for your local reporting.

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"J&J Was Alerted to Risk of Asbestos in Talc in ’70s, Files Show"

"Johnson & Johnson trained its employees to reassure anyone concerned about whether the company’s talcum powder contained asbestos that the cancer-causing substance 'has never been found and it never will' in its iconic baby powder, according to an undated memo unsealed in a lawsuit against the drugmaker."

Source: Bloomberg, 09/25/2017

Pruitt Met With Corporate Execs. Then He Made Decisions In Their Favor.

"Environmental Protection Agency chief Scott Pruitt has met regularly with corporate executives from the automobile, mining and fossil fuel industries — in several instances shortly before making decisions favorable to those interest groups, according to a copy of his schedule obtained by The Washington Post."

Source: Washington Post, 09/25/2017


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