Environmental Health

"Victims of Toxic Chemicals Fight for Benefits From VA"

"Veterans who were exposed to toxic contaminants during their service are increasingly becoming casualties in a war with the government -- particularly the Veterans Affairs Department—which they say has a record of delaying and denying benefits promised to them by acts of Congress."

Source: National Journal, 11/03/2014

Living in Harm’s Way: Louisiana’s Struggle Between Land and Sea

After Katrina, Louisiana may have hit the national spotlight for a time, but coastal communities elsewhere around the country will have to find their own answers to the question “Why does anyone still live there in harm’s way?” — even as more and more people move toward the coast and the water moves ever closer to them.

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"Why Receipts and Greasy Fingers Shouldn’t Mix"

"An order of French fries may be bad for your health in ways that extend well beyond the outsize calorie count. According to a new study by scientists at the University of Missouri, people who used hand sanitizer, touched a cash register receipt and then ate French fries were quickly exposed to high levels of bisphenol A (BPA), a chemical widely used to coat receipt paper."

Source: Civil Eats, 10/23/2014

"EPA Starts MCHM Air Testing, But Lacks Adequate Data"

"Federal regulators on Friday unveiled a program to monitor air quality during the remaining cleanup at the Freedom Industries facility along the Elk River in Charleston, but they said their effort suffers from the same lack of data about potential health efforts of the chemical MCHM as did testing of the region’s drinking-water supply after the Jan. 9 leak."

Source: Charleston Gazette, 10/22/2014


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