Environmental Politics

"Md.'s Veto of Advanced Meter Deployment Stuns Smart Grid Advocates"

"A utility proposal to install smart meters throughout Maryland has been rejected by the state's Public Service Commission, jeopardizing if not ending what had been one of the Obama administration's leading investment commitments to smart grid technologies and consumer energy conservation."

Source: ClimateWire, 06/25/2010

Bid to Block Calif. Climate Law Goes on November Ballot

"California headed for a high-stakes battle over global warming Tuesday, as an oil industry-backed measure to suspend the state's aggressive climate-change law qualified for the November ballot." "The battle over the initiative, launched by Texas oil giants Valero and Tesoro, will pit that industry against environmentalists and the state's clean-tech businesses."

Source: LA Times, 06/23/2010

"Poll Finds Deep Concern About Energy and Economy"

"Overwhelmingly, Americans think the nation needs a fundamental overhaul of its energy policies, and most expect alternative forms to replace oil  as a major source within 25 years. Yet a majority are unwilling to pay higher gasoline prices to help develop new fuel sources."

Source: NYTimes, 06/22/2010

Study: 97% of Expert Scientists Agree Climate Change Is Man-Made

"'Expert Credibility in Climate Change,' a new study in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, finds that 97-98% of climate researchers examined who are most actively publishing in the field support the IPCC conclusions, i.e., are convinced by the evidence for human-caused climate change, and that the relative climate expertise and scientific prominence of researchers questioning the findings is significantly below that of convinced researchers."

Source: Climate Science Watch, 06/22/2010


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